Termin Informationen:

  • Di.

    Feminist Development Policy – Transforming International Cooperation

    09:00 - 12:30BMZ

    Women and girls in all their diversity are key a gents of change for socially, economically, and
    ecologically sustainable development and lasting pe ace. Yet, no country in the world has achieved
    gender equality. In order to accelerate progress, Germany, under Minister Schulze’s lead, has adopted
    a feminist development policy

    At the event, Minister Schulze will discuss important features of Germany’s new feminist approach to
    development cooperation with high-ranking participants as well as practitioners from civil society and
    international organizations.
    The main objective of the event is to receive further input and have an exchange on best practices,
    approaches, and core elements of a feminist development policy. Moreover, peacebuilders and activists
    from the Middle East / North Africa region will illustrate the crucial role women play in peace and dialogue processes and share their expectations of a feministdevelopment policy. The programme will be rounded off by creative and activist input on our feminist future.

    The event is linked to an extensive consultation pr ocess with civil society, academia, multilateral
    organisations, and other actors relevant for the new German feminist development policy strategy and
    envisaged gender action plan.

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Hallo! Tagsüber arbeite ich als Fahrradkurier, nachts bin ich ein aufstrebender Schauspieler und dies hier ist meine Website. Ich lebe in Berlin, habe einen großen Hund namens Jack, mag die Fantastischen Vier und ein kühles Bier.

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